Support Us

Thank you for clicking to this page so you can learn how you can help our troops who remain in harm’s way.

There are many ways you too can support our troops. Volunteer, hold a care package item drive where you work or where your children go to school, have a fund raiser to help pay postage, write letters to be included in care package, bake some homemade goodies….write a check or donate via PayPal.

The OKC group meets every W, Th and Sat from 10-4 and you don’t have to sew to come help. Even children can help by decorating the shipping boxes with crayons and markers. You can come and stay just an hour or come and work with us all day.

Please write a review of The Hugs Project by clicking on the Great Non Profit badge to the right.

5 Responses to Support Us

  1. Rae Trejo says:

    How can I volunteer?

  2. Misti Davis says:

    How may I apply to be volunteer

    • Karen Stark says:

      Sorry, I’ve been recovering from a broken hip. Just show up any Wed from 10-4. We’d love you to join us packing care packages and getting their Christmas shipment ready to go out..

  3. Shauna Iannarino says:

    Good morning,
    How can I get involved in having some teens from our church write letters for care packages? We can also complete a drive for items if that is helpful. Please let me know.

    Thank you

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